You can use Shopify's Web Pixel API to send custom events to Mixpanel without having to Mixpanel code on the client side. Here's a sample code that you can add to your theme:
<script>'replace_with_event_name', {
'replace_with_property_name': "xxx"
'$user_id': '6807172218927' // if exists it will identify user in Mixpanel. Only pass Shopify Customer ID
'$source': 'my_custom_source' // if exists it will replace default source Vendo - Shopify App
Some considerations:
If you want to identify the user with their Shopify ID, always add
as an event property (case sensitive)With each event that is sent, we automatically update below user properties so you don't need to send them
If you want to update the event source to indicate where events are coming from add
(case sensitive). This will replace the default valueVendo - Shopify App